Name: Dendrobium nobile
Dendrobium nobile. Picture by Fan Wen
Dendrobium nobile is easy to find in floral shops in many different parts of the world and it is popular among beginner growers. You can find Dendrobium nobile in South East Asia, including the Himalayas where they grow at fairly high altitudes.
One of the reasons why this orchid is so popular is the fact that one single plant can develop hundreds of flowers. The flowers are delicate, and of a white, yellow or pink colour. The flower is decorated with pale purple edges and the centre is of a deep maroon shade.
Dendrobium nobile should not be kept in full sun, but it still needs plenty of light. During the winter season the orchid should be moved to a bright spot, because lack of light can make it difficult for the current years stems (the canes) to ripen.
The recommended temperature range for Dendrobium nobile is 8-25 degrees C (40-80 degrees F).
If you want your Dendrobium nobile orchid to blossom, you must give it a resting period during the winter when you give it no water at all. In the northern hemisphere, this means no water from mid November to early February. You should however mist the orchid once or twice per month during the resting period if the air humidity is low (which is common in our modern homes). If your orchid seems to be dying, give it a good soak to save it. Never soak the orchid more than once in two months.
When the growing period starts in February it is best to start watering sparingly until you can see new roots developing. During the summer season (June-mid November), water your Dendrobium nobile orchid twice a week.
Use a fertilizer high in nitrogen from late March to September. Only use half strength and give small servings rather than a few bit ones. Switch to high potash feed (half strength) for September, October and half of November.
Dendrobium nobile should be under potted rather than over potted, and it can also be mounted or placed across a tree branch. Be prepared for a large amount of aerial roots.
The best time to repot a Dendrobium nobile orchid is spring, right after flowering or when you notice new growths.
You can divide your Dendrobium nobile in spring, when the flowering is over.